To help us raise funds for the shed please consider signing up with the Co-Op scheme, cost you nothing but generates funds for our shed, thank you.
Like all charitable organisations we are struggling to raise funds.
.Our shed refurbishment is now complete but ever spiraling energy costs and the increased cost of tools and materials challenge our funds constantly.
Your support and generous contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. You can help fund our mission to improve facilities at the shed and further help with community projects by donating via the button below, all donations will be gratefully received.
Men in Sheds is a project aimed specifically at men aged 50+ and looks to bring men together to put their practical skills to good use and encourage them to be more socially active. It provides a space to develop a hobby workshop where men can work together on a range of practical activities. The main focus on wood-working, however new project ideas are always welcome.
Members can put their skills to good use, share their knowledge and learn new skills.
No previous skills required you can join us just to put the world to rights over a cup of tea. Members can come from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from highly skilled to those with little or no experience, but all work together and there is a role for everyone!
It gives men the chance to: Make new friends.
Experience the camaraderie of working with other men.
Put practical skills to good use and also share them with others.
Try something new and learn new skills.
Support their local community.
Learn about other activities and services in the area. The Dunstable shed is located on the allotments in Meadway, entrance is close to the speed camera. Postcode LU6 3JU.
We meet Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00. and some afternoons by arrangement. ( Closed on Bank Holidays) New Members always welcome to come over and meet fellow "Shedders" for an introductory chat and a cuppa.
Campaign to Protect Rural England Living Countryside Awards.
We won this prestigious award as a result of our hard work, team spirit; and the great feeling of the warm welcome, bonhomme and laughter we gave the CPRE Adjudicators when they visited our Shed a few months ago.
With the support of BLCF we have been able to fund the purchase of a new wood turning lathe and other equipment to enhance our workshop at the shed.
The RVS funded by the ASDA Foundation awarded us a grant to purchase two vital machines for the shed
Terry and Richard appeared on the Anna Williamson Show on 3 Counties Radio recently to talk about the benefits of Shed membership and our role in reducing lonliness and isolation.
The 20 min item can be heard if you click the 3CR button below.
Entrance next to the speed camera, there is usually somewhere to park but if full ask at the shed we will find you a spot.
Meadway, Dunstable, Central Bedfordshire, England LU6 3JU, What3words location is ///cheek.manliness.clean
07972 299630 Please leave a message or send text message if you don't get an answer. We will call you.
Come along to our Shed, meet fellow shedders for a chat and a cuppa
Today | Closed |
We are closed for the Christmas holidays, re-open on Jan 2 2025
Dunstable Men in Sheds aims to encourage, value and manage diversity and is committed to
providing equality for all. Dunstable Men in Sheds wishes to secure genuine equality of opportunity
in all aspects of its activities.
Dunstable Men in Sheds is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity
amongst volunteers and users of its services. Equality and diversity will be considered in all
activities and resources. This policy will be implemented within the framework of current legislation.
The purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all in Dunstable Men in Sheds
volunteering and service delivery and to eliminate discrimination on grounds of:
Gender (including sex, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment)
Women and men are fully and properly represented and rewarded for their contribution at all levels
of the organisation through:
* challenging gender stereotypes
* supporting employees and volunteers in balancing their life at work and at home
Volunteers and service users are treated fairly and equally irrespective of their marital/civil
partnership or family status.
Dunstable Men in Sheds will take positive steps to support a transgender person and ensure they
are treated with dignity and respect.
Race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin)
The racial and cultural diversity of the local community is represented through:
*challenging racial stereotypes
*understanding, respecting and valuing racial and cultural difference and perspectives
*encouraging and enabling members of minority ethnic groups to volunteer for Dunstable
Men In Sheds at all levels
The abilities of disabled people are recognised and valued through:
*focussing on what people can do rather than on what they cannot
*challenging stereotypes about people with disabilities and in particular, not making false
assumptions that disabled people are unable to do certain things
*making appropriate adjustments in the workplace so that people can reach their full
potential regardless of any disability.
Sexual orientation
People are treated fairly irrespective of their sexuality through:
*respecting the rights of everyone irrespective of whether or not they are open about their
*respecting different lifestyles even if someone’s different lifestyle conflicts with one’s own
religious or cultural beliefs
*challenging negative stereotypical views
*celebrating and welcoming significant lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) events in the same
way that similar events of importance to heterosexual people are celebrated
Religion or belief
People are treated fairly irrespective of their religious beliefs, faith or lack of belief. Demands of
religion (e.g., prayer times and religious holidays) and of culture (traditional dress) are accepted.
Age diversity is promoted and valued through:
*challenging age stereotyping, recognising that the new ideas and fresh approaches can
come from anyone irrespective of their age
*recognising the benefits of mixed-age volunteers
Eliminating discrimination
Discrimination occurs when a condition or requirement is applied which cannot be justified. Forms
of direct discrimination include less favourable treatment (denial of access to or a poor level of
service), harassment or victimisation.
Harassment occurs when someone's actions or words, based on the relevant grounds, are
unwelcome and violate another person’s dignity or create an environment that is intimidating,
hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive.
Dunstable Men in Sheds will not tolerate harassment in any form and in particular:
Racial harassment is unlawful. Incidents include:
*physical assaults/threats against a person or group because of colour or ethnicity
* racist insult/joke/name calling
*racist graffiti/any other written insult
* provocative behaviour (e.g., wearing racist badges or insignia)
*racial comments in meetings conversation/workshops
*attempting to recruit for racist organisations or groups
*providing a platform for racism
Sexual harassment is unlawful. The definition adopted by Dunstable Men In Sheds is:
*Repeated and unwanted verbal or sexual advances, sexually explicit derogatory statements
or sexually discriminating remarks which are offensive to the person involved, which cause
them to feel threatened, humiliated, patronised or harassed or which creates a threatening
or intimidating environment.
Harassment against disabled people. It is unlawful to subject a disabled person to harassment
by engaging in unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating the disabled
person's dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive
environment for him/her.
Victimisation means treating someone less favourably because they have made a complaint of
discrimination (a "protected act"), or are thought to have done so; or because they have supported
someone else who has made a complaint of discrimination.
Indirect discrimination occurs where the effect of provisions, criteria or practices imposed by an
employer have an adverse impact disproportionately on one group or other. Indirect discrimination
generally occurs when a rule or condition, which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a
considerably smaller proportion of people from a particular group; the rule is to their disadvantage
and it cannot be justified on other grounds.
Dunstable Men in Sheds will seek to overcome indirect discrimination by:
*provision of training for volunteers, and where possible service users
*provision of information about relevant support organisations
*making clear its expectations of volunteers in the conduct of their duties in any
circumstances where they represent Dunstable Men in Sheds
Dunstable Men in Shed’s commitment to equality and diversity means that everyone involved with
Dunstable Men in Sheds has a duty to:
*ensure that everyone associated with Dunstable Men in Sheds is treated in a nondiscriminatory
*promote a welcoming environment in which individuals from all backgrounds feel welcome,
valued and respected
*promote this equality and diversity policy
Managers and trustees have additional responsibility to:
*ensure systems, procedures and services do not discriminate
*promote and implement diversity within the management of service provision
*provide appropriate training to put this equality and diversity policy into practice
*challenge inappropriate behaviour immediately
*listen to and respect others, and not dismiss their problems as “trivial”
* set a positive example in everything they do
It is crucial that all volunteers are able to participate and enjoy the activities without discrimination.
Dunstable Men In Sheds believes that volunteers should not be excluded from any opportunity
without due reason.
Volunteers will not be discriminated against in the advice and support they are given. Nor will they
be denied access to opportunities because of their assumed abilities, skills or behaviour and each
volunteer will be judged on his/her own merits. Dunstable Men In Sheds will actively encourage
and support volunteers to participate in the planning and implementation of their work.
Monitoring, review and responsibility
The Trustees are responsible for implementing the equal opportunities policy. Any complaint or
grievance should be made to the chair of the organisation.
DMiS Equality Policy V1 30Nov22
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